
Ce document est la suite de prompts que j’utilise pour générer des scripts rapidement en prenant en compte les avis clients de la marque. Il faut créer un chat par client pour que l’historique pris en compte par Chat GPT soit uniquement constitué des données du client.

1) Analyse de la marque

Objectif :

analyser les avis clients pour trouver les bonnes propositions de valeur à mettre en avant dans la vidéo et détecter les freins à l’achat.

Le prompt :

Using the reviews above, make a list of most common things that customers like or don't like about this product. You should only include things that repeat over and over again in the reviews, write the ones that repeat the most first. You should divide the list to 8 categories (2 on the 'Product' side and 6 on the 'Customer' side). Each category should contain 3-5 bullets points.

The categories should be:


  1. Main Unique Value propositions (what are the main reasons why people purchased this product? (benefits/advantages))
  2. Unique Features/Benefits (What are the unique selling points this product has over its competitors?)


  1. Customer Pain Points (What are the biggest or most common pain points people were looking to solve or aleviate using this product?)
  2. Customer Desired Outcomes (What are the most common desired outcomes that customer had when buying this product?)
  3. Customer Prompts (What event triggered them to start considering purchasing this product?)
  4. Customer Misconceptions (What's a misconception that customers believed about the product/brand beforehand that they now know not to be true?)
  5. Customer Failed Solutions (What other solutions have customers tried before that have not worked?)